Concessional Fares are offered to some categories of passengers and the holders of certain concession cards.
Free Travel
Infants aged 0-3 accompanying their parent or guardian
Free travel would not be available to say a kindergarten group accompanied by a teacher.
SSTS Student Bus Pass

Issuer: Buslines Group
For journeys to and from school or TAFE.
Buslines Group Gold Pass

Issuer: Buslines Group
Free Travel for holder of pass.
World War 1 Veteran's Widows Pass

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
Free travel if you are a permanent resident in NSW and either a widow of a WW1 veteran, a recipient of the Victoria Cross or George Cross, or the spouse, widow or widower of one of these (including attendant where endorsed on pass).
NSW Blinded Soldier Pass

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
Free travel for Australian and New Zealand War Veterans classified by Department of Veterans Affairs (including attendant where endorsed on pass).
Ex-Member of Defence Force Pass

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
Free travel (including attendant where endorsed on Transport Concession Entitlement Card). Back of pass must display Travel Pass (ED) and be shown to driver when boarding the bus.
Vision Impaired Persons Pass (NSW and Interstate)

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office and equivalent transport agency in other States and Territories
Free travel including guide dog. Attendant travels tree when endorsed on pass.
Companion Card

Issuer: Department of Family and Community Services and equivalent agencies in other States and Territories
Free travel for attendant.
Assistance Animal Permit

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
Assistance Animal permitted to travel. NSW Permit essential for everyone except where handlers have an assistance animal trained or in-training with an organisation endorsed by TfNSW . Organisations endorsed by TfNSW are: Australian Lions Hearing Dogs, Guide Dogs Australia, MindDog Australia, Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs. In addition Veterans with an accredited assistance dog are allowed to access transport.
Half Fare Concession & Regional Excursion Daily (RED)
Pensioner Concession Card

Issuer: Department of Human Services or Department of Veteran Affairs
Half Fare for Single Tickets or $2.50 for RED. Only valid for card holder, family members on back of pass pay full fare.
Digital wallets are accepted as proof of entitlement. Front and back of card must be shown.
NSW Seniors Card

Issuer: Department of Human Services
Half Fare for Single Tickets or $2.50 for RED.
Seniors Card holders from other states and territories - Half Fare only.
NSW War Widow/er

Issuer: Department of Veterans Affairs
Half Fare for Single Tickets or $2.50 for RED.
Asylum Seekers

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
Half Fare for Single Tickets or $2.50 for RED. Back of pass must display Senior/Pensioner (CG) and be shown when boarding the bus.
Half Fare Concession (Ages 16 and over)
Transport Concession Entitlement Card for NSW Job Seekers

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
NSW Eligible Job Seekers and those receiving approved Centrelink benefits are entitled to concession fares.
Half Fare for Single Tickets. Back of pass must display Concession (CG) and must be shown to driver when boarding the bus.
Transport Concession Entitlement Card for NSW Apprentice/Trainee

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
Card is valid up to 31 March of each year. Can be renewed free of charge as long as Apprentice/Trainee remains in an active traineeship/apprenticeship approved by Training Services NSW.
Back of pass must display Concession (AT) and must be shown to the driver when boarding the bus.
Transport Concession Entitlement Card for NSW Tertiary Student

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
This card is available to students who meet the eligibility critieria set by Transport for NSW.
Valid for upto 15 months if student remains eligible. Card must be renewed by 31 March each year.
Back of pass must display Concession (TS) and must be shown to the driver when boarding the bus.
NSW/ACT Senior Secondary Student

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
This card is available to senior secondary students who meet the eligibility criteria set by Transport for NSW.
It is valid until 31 March the following year unless you enter full-time employment.
SSTS Student Bus Pass

Issuer: Buslines Group
Half Fare Concession for journeys other than to and from school.

Issuer: Other Accredited Bus Operator Student Bus Pass
Half Fare Concession is payable.
Other Accredited Bus Operator Student Bus Pass
Half Fare (Ages 4 - 15 inclusive)
** No proof of entitlement required however following passes may be used to verify age**
Proof Of Age Card

Issuer: Transport for NSW Concessions Office
Card will show the expiry date of entitlement. This card cannot be used for non-transport purposes.
Other Accredited Bus Operator Student Bus Pass
Further information regarding how to apply for the above NSW Concession Cards is available from the Transport for NSW website.